Questions and Answers

Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat

Skimbleshanks, the feline character, plays a crucial role aboard the Night Mail train, as his presence is necessary for the train's departure. Read more about the Chapter Summary and Q&A here.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Skimbleshanks' role on the Night Mail?

2. What time does the Night Mail depart?

3. Where does Skimbleshanks spend his time on the train?

4. What does Railway Cat do to ensure order on the train?

5. What does Skimbleshanks do at Carlisle?

6. What does the Railway Cat do at Dumfries?

7. What does Skimbleshanks' tail wave signify?

8. What is the overall tone of the poem?

Reference to Context Questions

There’s a whisper down at 11:39
When the Night Mail’s ready to depart,
Saying 'Skimble where is Skimble has he gone to hunt the thimble?'

Question: What is special about the railway cat?

Answer: The railway cat, Skimbleshanks, is special because his presence is crucial for the train's departure. He's not just a regular pet; he's seen as essential to the train's operation, almost like a supervisor.

Question: Why was the train late?

Answer: The train was delayed because Skimbleshanks was missing. The train won't leave without him as he is crucial for the working of the train.

He will watch you without winking, and he sees what you are thinking.
And it’s certain he doesn’t approve of hilarity and riot so he folk are very quiet.

Question: Who is ‘he’ here? What does he do on the train?

Answer: 'He' refers to Skimbleshanks, the Railway Cat. He patrols the train, ensuring order and discipline among the passengers. He observes them closely and maintains a peaceful atmosphere.

Question: How does he treat the railway master?

Answer: Skimbleshanks greets the stationmaster at Carlisle 'with elation.' This means that Skimbleshanks values the railway employees and is happy to meet them.