
I Remember, I Remember

I Remember, I Remember is a poem written by the English poet Thomas Hood. All you need to know and learn about this chapter is given below.

Meet the Author

  • Thomas Hood is an English poet also known for his illustrations and engravings.
  • Born: 23 May 1799
  • Place of Birth: London, United Kingdom
  • Died: 3 May 1845
  • Famous Works: ‘Past and Present’, and ‘The Song of the Shirt’
  • Best Known For: Thomas Hood was an earnest writer and produced his own magazine. He is celebrated for his artistic abilities that do not confide in writing and literature.
Young kid Swinging
A young man swinging

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Summary of the Chapter

I Remember, I Remember is a poem in which Thomas Hood describes his childhood home and experiences.

I remember, I remember,
The house where I was born,

In the first stanza he describes his home and its bedroom window. The morning sun used to peep in through this window every morning. Poet vividly remembers this sight from his young days spent at home. He goes on to describe that the sun was never late to visit him each morning. He is personifying the sun in these lines. But, things have changed and at present he wishes he never woke up to see the sun. This means the poet is longing to be dead.

But now, I often wish the night
Had borne my breath away!

He then goes on to speak about the varieties of flowers he had at home. They included violets, lily-cups, roses both white and red and lilacs. These pretty flowers made his home the most beautiful place on the planet. He recollects about the laburnum tree his brother, Robin, planted on his birthday. He also refreshes his memory of the wonderful games he played along with his brother under these trees and between these flowers.

He still remembers that tree that was still alive. He goes on to recollect his days spent on the swing breathing the fresh air. He understands that his spirit enjoyed these tiny moments, they are still fresh in his memory. Alas, he suddenly becomes low thinking about his old age and its difficulties. He has seen the world and experienced both the good and bad from life and is now unable to find joy.

My spirit flew in feathers then,
That is so heavy now

In the last stanza he discusses about the dark tall fig tree and how he believed it touched the sky when he was a small kid.Today even though he is tall and understands that the trees do not touch the sky he misses the innocence and closeness he had with god in his young age. He believes that he was closer to God as a child. He now feels further away from heaven.

“But now ‘tis little joy
To know that I’m farther off from heaven
Than when I was a boy”

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Poet, Thomas Hood recollects the sunlight peeing through his room’s window every morning. He remembers the array of flowers and the swing in which he played. He also mentioned the large fig tree and his playtime with his brother Robin. He specifically mentioned the laburnum tree planted by his brother on his birthday.

The poet’s house is surrounded by roses- white and red, lilacs, laburnum tree, fig tree, violets and lily-cups. There is also a swing around his home.

The poet wants the night to extend so that he does not have to wake up and face the realities and difficulties of life.