
Lines Composed in a Wood on a Windy Day

Meet the Author

  • Anne Bronte was an English poet and novelist, sister of Charlotte and Emily Bronte.
  • Born: 17th January, 1820
  • Place of Birth: Thornton, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
  • Died: 28th May, 1849
  • Major Works: Agnes Gray, The Tenant of Windfell Hall
  • Best Known For: Being a part of the literary legacy of the Bronte sisters- she was youngest of the three siblings who wrote world-famous books.
Writing a poem in woods
Writing a poem in woods

Summary of the Poem

Lines Composed in a Wood on a Windy Day by Anne Brontë is a romantic poem that captures the poet's emotional response to the natural world. The poem begins by describing the awakening of the poet's soul and spirit as they are carried by the wind. This shows the divine power of Mother Nature.

For above and around me the wild wind is roaring, arousing to capture the Earth and the seas.

The poet describes the movement of the wind! She says all around her, there is a wild wind roaring. It is powerful enough to rapture the Earth and the seas. The long and withered grass is glancing in the light of the sun. Withered means very dry. It is a word used to describe plants. Withered grass is weak and old.

The branches of the barren trees are being tossed high. The dead leaves too are dancing merrily.

The white clouds are scudding across the blue sky.

She says there are white clouds scudding across the blue skies. Scudding means to move in a straight line as if driven by the wind. She wishes to see how the ocean lashes. We have all observed waves in the sea and ocean lashing on the rocks or each other.

The foam of its billows to whirlwinds of spray.

Then she talks about the wind and the ocean. The foam of its billows!

Billows are huge waves. Whirlwinds are tall columns of wind moving in a circular direction, travelling across land or sea. There will be a spray of water.

She wishes to see the proud waves dashing and listen to the wild roar of their thunder. The poem displays a human’s connection with nature. She is all alone, yet she finds bliss and happiness in the natural world. She finds joy in simple things and the beauty of the oceans, trees and the breeze are all enchanting. Thus, she finds solace and comfort in these simple pleasures. Nature’s power and greatness is immense. The poet uses personification by saying that the wind can bring life to even a lifeless soul and enliven it. The waves too have been described as ‘proud.’

Through vivid imagery and personification, she evokes the fleeting essence of life, urging readers to embrace change and find peace in the midst of turbulence. The poem's brevity mirrors the ephemeral (lasting for a very short time) nature of the scene it describes, leaving a lasting impression of the profound connection between humanity and the natural world.

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Above and beyond the Text

The Brontë Sisters:

The Brontë sisters, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne, were renowned English novelists and poets who lived in the 19th century. Born in Yorkshire, England, they were known for their literary talents and their ability to craft vivid, evocative works that explored themes of love, loss, and the human condition.

The sisters' lives were marked by tragedy, including the early deaths of their parents and their brother, as well as the loss of their beloved home, Haworth Parsonage, due to financial difficulties. Despite these challenges, the Brontë sisters continued to write, producing some of the most enduring and beloved works of English literature, including Charlotte's "Jane Eyre" and Emily's "Wuthering Heights."

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Lines Composed in a Wood on a Windy Day Questions and Answers

Below are a few questions that you can look out for your examinations and class tests. Stand out with perfectly written answers with help of Aneetta Class.

A wood is a small area covered with trees. It is not as large as a forest. The woods are generally cool and quiet, shaded from the sun.

The poem describes the play of the wind and all that it does to mesmerise the writer. The wind is blowing in the woods and the author pens this lovely poem.

The poet talks about the beauty of the Earth, the breeze, the trees and grass, the oceans and seas, and the clouds. All this attracts her on a windy day in the woods making her soul come alive in gratitude and glee.