
Lines Written in Early Spring

The poem Lines Written in Early Spring written by William Wordsworth discusses nature and its relation with human beings. Through the poem the poet laments about the disruptive relationship between humans and nature. All you need to know and learn about this poem is given below.

Meet the Author

  • William Wordsworth is a pioneer in romantic poetry.
  • Born: 7th April 1770
  • Died: 23rd April 1850
  • Place of Birth: Rydal, United Kingdom
  • Major Books: ‘The Solitary Reaper’, ‘Daffodils’ and ‘The Prelude’.
  • Best known for: His poems are based on nature and its relation to human beings. Nostalgia is another major element in his works.

Historical background to the poem:

Wordsworth was the first among the romantic poets. Most of his poems reflect his connection with nature. It was also the period of industrial revolution in the United kingdom. Wordsworth was against the industrial revolution which tampered with nature and destroyed the peaceful society.

Hence most of his poems reflect this sorrow. Wordsworth was a spokesperson for the peaceful country life and the glory of nature. According to him industrialization and modernization destroyed this equilibrium of harmony and peace. Even in the poem “Lines Written in Early Spring”, he is trying to express this laminate and brief.

Man walking in the middle of the tall trees
Nature, trees, how it inspired the poet.

Summary of the Poem

The poet was sitting among a group of trees (grove). He was sitting there with ease. While sitting under the trees, he listened to the melodious songs of various birds. He was extremely happy to listen to the sound of the birds. But as time passed by his mood slowly started to shift. Sad and sorrowful thoughts start to conquer his mind.

I heard a thousand blended notes
While in a grove I sat reclined.

He then realises and pondereds upon how nature has worked its way. Nature has done a good job in creating everything around him. It includes the man and his soul. As he sat in the lap of nature he understood the connection he had with nature and its totality.

To her fair works did Nature link
The human soul that through me ran;

His understanding of this connection with nature brought in great sorrow. He started to think about what ‘Man’ has been doing to other men. The poet was referring to the ways in which man has destroyed the earth. Man with his own actions has destroyed the comfortable home that nature had created for him.

And much it grieved my heart to think
What man has made of Man.

The poet then observes the nature around him. He sees the bunches of primroses that were next to him. He didn't realise that all these flowers which were growing together were happy. They enjoyed the normal and simple pleasures of life. They appreciated the air that they breathed.

And 'tis my faith that every flower
Enjoys the air it breathes.

The poet then looked around and saw the birds enjoying and playing around. Even though he was not able to read their minds he was able to understand the way in which they moved. He could find happiness in every move they made. He realised that this happiness was the result of the circumstances of their life and how they appreciated the smaller things present in their lives.

The birds around me hopped and played
Their thoughts I cannot measure

He then laid eyes on the twigs that were popping new leaves on them. The new ones appeared like a fan to the poet. The tree spread around its wings of branches and leaves to enjoy the calm breeze that blew through the grove. Even those twigs were able to find pleasure out of this gesture.

The budding twigs spread out their fan
To catch the breezy air;

He then gathers his understanding and observations. He could see the harmony in which the plants and birds live in nature. Daily life had happiness and peace and it was the way Nature wanted everyone to live. But the poet is lamenting and crying about how humans treat themselves. He realized that he had all the reasons to weep over the way in which man was living an uncomfortable and unhappy life.

Have I not reason to lament
What man has made of Man?

Literary Devices

Literary devices are used to enhance poetry and to express more. This beautiful nature poem has a few literary devices that you need to know. Let's take a look at them.


Personification is when human qualities are bestowed upon something that is not human.

In this poem nature is personified; you can notice this with the capitalisation of the letter 'N'. Similarly many times nature is referred to as ‘her’, which is a singular pronoun.

Rhetorical question

Rhetorical question is a question which is asked without expecting an answer. This is because the answer to this question will be obvious to the listener.

Romanticism and Romantic Poet(Bonus Info)

Romanticism refers to the vast area of development in the realm of music, art, literature and philosophy during the 19th and 18th century. Romanticism is also a movement in poetry where it is encouraged to turn to oneself and to nature. It urged one to look into one's feelings and emotions and broke all the formal conventions of poetry.

Most well known romantic poets include PB Shelley, William Blake, William Wordsworth, Lord Byron, John Keats, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Matthew Arnold.

Their work was a reaction towards the industrial revolution, French revolution, the decline of Anglican era and the rapid changes in the British countryside.

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Lines Written in Early Spring Questions and Answers

Below are a few questions that you can look out for your class 8 examinations and class tests. Stand out with perfectly written answers with help of Aneetta Class.

The poem is about nature and its harmony. The poem discusses how man has destroyed this harmony and others such as birds and trees tend to continue to enjoy their life in nature.

The poet was sad because he disliked the way in which men lived. There was no unity or harmony among humans and they blamed each other for everyone's trouble.

Nature is equated to the creator (God) of the earth in the poem.

According to the poem the budding twigs are blooming and growing to feel the breezy air.